References / Previous Customers (Excerpt)

Nestlé Nestlé - Basel , Switzerland
BASF - Shanghai, China
EKZ - Zurich, Switzerland
Raschig – Ludwigshafen, Germany
AMPS - Stuart, USA
VA TECH-ELIN-EBG (Dept. Environmental Technology) - Salzburg -, Austria
Sea brook - Long Island, NY, USA
Sandoz - Basel – –Switzerland
SEAS - San Marino – Rep. of San Marino
SEAS – San Marino RSM
CT - Umwelttechnik – Winterthur, Switzerland
KEU - Krefeld, Germany
COOP - Wallisellen, Switzerland
Sihl –Papier - Zurich, Switzerland
Toni - Zürich, Switzerland
e-gest – Sernaglia - Italien
Samsung - Seoul , Korea
EGL-AXPO – Dietikon, Switzerland Wacker - Burghausen, Germany
Munitionsfabrik - Altdorf, Switzerland
Ed-Geistlich - Wollhusen, Switzerland
Deutsche Gelatine - Eberbach, Germany
DEA Energie alternative - Catanzaro, Italy
Building Construction Office - City of Ulm, Germany
Pavafibre - Kleindöttingen, Switzerland
Kantonsspital - St.Gallen, Switzerland
Cartaseta - Däniken, Switzerland
EW - Schaffhausen , Switzerland
Vesterås - Skultuna, Sweden
PURENA - Isola CR, Italy
Building Construction Office, City of Wiesbaden, Germany